Kurt Østervig, a renowned Danish furniture designer born in 1912, initially embarked on a career as a ship architect in Odense, Denmark’s third-largest city. However, he shifted his focus to furniture design, initially working for E. Knudsen before establishing his own design studio in 1947. Throughout his career, Østervig freelanced, creating pieces for a variety of Danish furniture companies during the mid-20th century, such as Bernh. Pedersen & Son, Bramin, Jason, Rolschau, Sibast, and Vamo among others.
Two of Østervig’s standout pieces include the Model 12 Easy Chair for Schillers Polstermøblerfabrik, unveiled in 1961 and reissued in 2014, and the Butterfly Dining Chair from the 1950s for Brande. While oak was Østervig’s preferred material, he also designed items in rosewood and teak. Beyond his furniture designs, Østervig was acclaimed for his precise and lifelike sketches, and he engaged in various interior design projects, encompassing residential homes, vessels, nursing facilities, hotels, and movie theaters.
Even after his passing in 1986, Østervig’s designs maintain their appeal and are still produced by five manufacturers. Nonetheless, it is his original mid-century works that continue to attract significant attention, commanding premium prices at auctions and vintage stores globally.